عرض التفاصيل
Trump says stock records prove the economy is great. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks it's terrible for normal people. They're both wrong — and right.
Nearly half of Americans don't own stocks at all, and the lion's share of stock ownership is concentrated in the wealthiest 10% of families.
In a statement to INSIDER, McConnell's campaign said it in "no way" condoned the behavior seen in the viral picture.
The poll found that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a 22% approval rating among 1,003 white, non-college educated voters who knew of her.
During her visit to migrant detention centers, Ocasio-Cortez accused CBP of "systemic cruelty" in its treatment of detainees.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused the US Border Patrol of having a "violent culture" after reports emerged about its secret Facebook group.
"All you do, vote to impeach, bye bye birdie. It isn't that," the House Speaker said Wednesday. Pelosi has repeatedly resisted calls to impeach Trump.
"He is a walking example of what happens when rich and powerful people put other rich and powerful people into power," Ocasio-Cortez said of Mnuchin.
"I was disappointed, we need to get some feminist analysis up in HBO," Ocasio-Cortez said.
Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wonder Woman? If you ask DC Comics, the answer to that question is absolutely not.
"There is no reason this should be $2,000 a month. People are dying because of it!"
Overall, about 68% of respondents said they either support or strongly support the plan the Loan Shark Prevention Act.
The 29-year-old freshman lawmaker from New York sat in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's chair during the procedural ceremony in the Democratic-led House.
"We're not going to solve the climate crisis w/ this lack of leadership. Our kids' lives are at stake," the Bronx native tweeted.
"I don't think the country will go into socialism in 2020 or 2040 or 2060," Buffett said.
"Science should not be partisan," Ocasio-Cortez said Tuesday in a passionate speech about climate change. "We are facing a national crisis."
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke out about criticism of the opposition she took to the deal New York struck for Amazon's HQ2.
Most experts say there's no evidence the campaign committed serious campaign finance violations, but there may be cause for further investigation.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won widespread praise for her to-the-point questioning of Michael Cohen.
The former Starbucks CEO responded to questions on the Green New Deal and the 70% marginal tax rate on those earning more than $10 million.