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एब्स्ट्रैक्ट:We ranked 100 notable deaths from HBO's epic and extremely violent series "Game of Thrones," according to how sad they made us.
Warning: Spoilers ahead for every episode of “Game of Thrones” aired so far, including season eight, episode three, “The Long Night.”The past seven and a half seasons of “Game of Thrones” have featured hundreds of deaths, from battlefield extras to major characters.We ranked 107 notable deaths from the series from the least sad to the most sad.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. It's violent, vicious, and not for the faint of heart.Over the past seven and a half seasons, a lot of people on “Game of Thrones” have died. It's a game of survival, and you're lucky if you've made it this far.Some of these characters came back from the dead. We barely knew some of them, and we knew a lot of them so well that we shed a tear or two (or 200) when we watched them die.And others? We couldn't wait for them to die, and when they did, we were cheering.On a scale of 1 to 10 (with some exceptions), we ranked 107 notable deaths (and semi-deaths) from the least sad to the most sad — basically, the deaths of characters who had names, had more than a few lines, and/or had some kind of impact on a major plot point or a major character.Note: The Hound is exempt from this list. He was presumed dead and that was very sad for all of us, but turns out he never actually died. Direwolves are also exempt.
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