The richest American families accumulated their billion-dollar fortunes in different ways, from publishing and cosmetics to retailers and hotels.
Millionaire men seek the "Four B's" in a partner when dating, according to the matchmakers Janis and Carly Spindel: beauty, brains, body, and balance.
Opportunity costs, time, and afunctionality are a few of the things creating and maintaining status symbols, according to author Jonah Berger.
Nearly 30% of the world's billionaire population in 2018 was concentrated in just 15 cities, according to Wealth-X's 2019 Billionaire Census report.
Millionaires tend to share the same qualities — but understanding where you are today and building new behaviors can help you develop them, too.
While class and wealth are relative, a shrinking middle class, increased living costs, and debt contribute to their differences.
Some six-figure earners think they're working class — more than those who think they're rich, according to an INSIDER and Morning Consult survey.
Where are rich millennials living? Many rich millennials own homes in the northeast, while others own homes out west.