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摘要:The new pricing is about 13% less than the cost of vehicles shipped to China from the US, and is key to continued growth at the company, analysts say.
Tesla on Friday announced that its Model 3 sedans produced in China would start at about $47,500 there.
That's about 13% less than the lowest price currently offered to Chinese consumers for the vehicles, which are shipped from the US.
More expensive versions of the sedan will run as high as $75,549.
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Tesla on Friday announced that its Model 3 sedans made in China at its second Gigafactory, still under construction in Shanghai, would cost about 13% less than the sedans it's currently exporting for sale in the world's largest car market.
The company said the Chinese-made standard-range-plus version of the Model 3 would start at 328,000 yuan, or approximately $47,500, in China. That's 49,000 yuan, or $7,000, less expensive than the lowest price consumers are paying for Model 3s shipped from the US. More expensive trims will cost up to 522,000 yuan, or $75,500, for the performance version.
China is key to Tesla's long-term strategy, especially given concerns from some Wall Street analysts that demand in markets outside the country, like the United States, may be waning. CEO Elon Musk noted after the company's first quarter that cars will be cheaper to produce in China.
“Learning from our experience, we can now build a second-generation Model 3 line in China that we expect will be at least 50% cheaper per unit of capacity than our Model 3-related lines in Fremont and at Gigafactory 1,” he wrote in a quarterly update letter. “Our Model Y manufacturing capacity will have the same simplicity as the line planned for Gigafactory Shanghai.”
Adam Jonas, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, said recently that a lower-priced model in China will be key to continued growth.
“Our China Auto team is extremely constructive on the outlook for Tesla to gain share with a domestically sourced Model 3 and Model Y,” he said in a note to clients this week. “We believe the 2019 air-pocket in Model 3 demand may largely continue until an affordable, locally produced Model 3 is available in that market.”
Jonas also noted that he doesn't expect Tesla do begin delivering cars to Chinese consumers from its new Shanghai factory until 2020, later than the company's forecasts.
Tesla also announced Friday that right-hand drive versions of the Model 3 are now available for pre-order in countries including Australia, Hong Kong, and more.
Shares of Tesla, already down more than 50% from their most recent highs, slid about 1.6% in early trading Friday. The stock is pointing to an open near $185 on Friday.
特斯拉上周五宣布其在中国生产的3型轿车起价约为47,500美元。这比目前为中国消费者提供的最低价格低约13% ,这是从美国发货。 更为昂贵的轿车版本将高达75,549美元。访问Business Insider的主页以获取更多故事。特斯拉周五宣布其第三代轿车在中国制造的第二款Gigafactory,在上海仍在建设中,比目前在全球最大的汽车市场上出售的轿车的成本低约13%。该公司表示,中国制造的标准系列型号3将开始中国人民币328,000元,约合47,500美元。这是49,000元,或7,000美元,比消费者为从美国发货的Model 3支付的最低价格便宜。对于性能版本,更昂贵的装饰将花费高达522,000元,或75,500美元。中国是特斯拉长期战略的关键,特别是考虑到一些华尔街分析师对国外市场的需求,如美国可能会逐渐减弱。首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在公司第一季度表示,在中国生产汽车的成本会更低。“从我们的经验中学习,我们现在可以在中国建立第二代Model 3生产线,我们预计将至少生产50辆比弗里蒙特和Gigafactory 1的Model 3相关产品单位产能便宜一些,”他在一份季度更新信函中写道。 “我们的Y型制造能力将与Gigafactory Shanghai计划的产品线一样简单。”据摩根士丹利分析师亚当乔纳斯最近表示,中国低价模式将是持续增长的关键。 “我们的中国汽车团队对特斯拉与国内采购的Model 3和Model Y的份额前景极具建设性,”他在本周给客户的一份报告中说。 “我们相信模型3需求中的2019年气袋可能会持续到可负担得起,在该市场上可以买到3型。”Jonas还指出,他并不认为特斯拉会在2020年之前开始从中国新工厂向中国消费者提供汽车,而不是公司的预测。特斯拉周五还宣布,现在可以在包括澳大利亚,香港等在内的国家预订3型右侧驾驶版本。特斯拉的股价已从最近的下跌超过50%周五早盘交易时段下跌约1.6%。股价周五开盘接近185美元。