If you're buying or refinancing on a home amid the coronavirus outbreak, ask your lender whether it's offering rate lock period extensions.
If you want to learn more about life insurance, figure out if it's for you, and get some tips on where to start, you've come to the right place.
CIT Bank's high-yield savings account, Savings Builder, rewards you with its top APY of 1.80% for auto-deposits of at least $100 a month.
Over the past year, the Fed has lowered interest rates three times, a move that has inspired a mortgage-refinancing boom among millennials.
SoFi can help you refinance your student loans at a lower interest rate. And, since it offers a host of other products, you can better rates on loans.
Robo-advisers can work well for consumers who have basic financial knowledge and don't need comprehensive financial planning advice.
By budgeting, consolidating, and prioritizing, getting out of debt is possible with the resources you already have.
Betterment's Everyday Savings account has no monthly fees, allows unlimited transfers, and offers FDIC insurance up to $1 million.
A financial planner or adviser can be a great resource to improve your finances, but their services only work if you are open about your money.
Ellevest CEO Sallie Krawcheck railed against a common personal finance trope encouraging people to stop buying their morning coffee in a recent op-ed.
CFP Mary Beth Storjohann says a raise or promotion can mean three things for your money: increased cash flow, a new tax bracket, and new benefits.
A side job, side hustle, or freelance project may feel like a small hobby, but it is a real business that can and should have its own bank account.
Personal loans have have lower interest rates than credit cards, little impact on your credit score, and a structured repayment plan.
Lemonade is a millennial-friendly insurance company that uses artificial intelligence to give quotes and evaluate claims quickly.
Consider hiring a financial advisor if you need specific advice or you're too overwhelmed to plan for retirement or invest in the stock market.
You can pay off student loans faster and save money on interest by increasing your monthly payment by as little as $100.
Why invest in the stock market? Because although the market will fluctuate, it's more dangerous to miss out on the long-term investing gains.
After years of experimenting, he's found the best free money apps for his finances are a combination of Mint, Personal Capital, and Credit Karma.
Tommy, an early retiree who runs the blog Leisure Freak, focused on paying off debt, maxing out his retirement accounts, and investing his savings.
Avoiding risk by not investing in the stock market also means you're missing out on potential gain. It may be time to put your extra savings to work.